Somewhere along the line I gave up reading books ..... hand held books, that is .... and I allowed that gap of time to be taken up with reading on the internet. Now with all the power failures we are experiencing I am spending less time on the computer and more time finishing the half-read books on my bedside table. I'm also renewing my love for poetry...... Reading a poem here and there in the lamp light before falling asleep.

When Digby arrived he brought with him a little gift the breeders failed to mention. Besides the hernia and tummy upsets he had a ringworm infestation that had to be nipped in the bud before it got out of control.

Thus began the daily treatment baths and re-baths, washing and drying of doggy bedding, extra scrubbing of everything that could be scrubbed (with a little help from Digby) and extra hoovering and lifting of heavy things.
I bet you know where this is going! Of course I put my back out ...... and had no option but to slow down and read books that would soothe my feelings of overwhelm.

With the reading of inspiring books has come a phase of self excavation. These phases come in waves throughout my life and each time I excavate a little more. The excavation theme has overflowed into my carvings .... something that has surprised me.

I've since come to the conclusion that annoying happenings like power failures, water cuts and ringworms are not simply lessons in patience but they can also be positive catalysts for renewal and change .
Sighhhh ..... Well I have to think that or get completely bogged down with bitter feelings toward shady dog breeders and inefficient service providers ;-)
"There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic" - Anais Nin