"You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend". - Paul Sweeney

Africanismo : Interior Inspiration from Southern Africa, has been on my wishlist for a while and at last I have it. A great book to flip through.
And the winner is ..... Deborah Jaouen (Collage Whirl)
.... and that's how I felt when I came to the end of Poem Crazy by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge. She writes about collecting words wherever she goes and then later fashioning them into poems. It all sounds so easy and I found myself writing poems without worrying about how to begin or whether I was hopeless or not. For the first time writing poetry felt as easy as breathing. Susan also shares touching stories about teaching children (and adults) to write poetry and how she draws students out of themselves with word play.
I've been meaning to share some of the new books I've acquired since before Christmas. Poem Crazy is definitely top of my list!
Poem Crazy by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

Leslie recommended The Elements of Design and it arrived on Friday.

Oh what a delicious book! Brimming with colours, textures, forms and shapes.
Whenever I'm asked to name my favourite books I always recommend, The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. I decided to get The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women as well and though I enjoyed it the first one is still my favourite.

Africanismo : Interior Inspiration from Southern Africa, has been on my wishlist for a while and at last I have it. A great book to flip through.

Page above from, Nomad by Sibella Court. Though I enjoyed this book , I LOVED Sibella's Etcetera more .
This book appealed to me from the moment I saw the little envelopes within the book for cards and secrets ..... and then I thought, wait this book is for singles , but reading the blurb at the back I discovered that....
"It's not just for those who live alone. I acknowledge every one has a need for space, to keep a little of themselves for themselves. we all need to have our own sense of self worth. I hope it will encourage you in your acceptance of who you are, who you can be. It's the kind of book where you may find a connection to travel, photography, architecture, people or memories." Victoria Alexander
I've just started reading it ...... so far so good.
I was going to have a Lucky Draw for my 300th post. Sheepishly ... I have reached my 308th post, but better late than never. If you would like a chance to win some African fabric (shwe-shwe included), please leave a comment at the end of this post. I thought I would give one or two remnants big enough to make a few cushions or a sling bag as well as a few other remnants for patchwork or collage etc. Winner to be announced on Tuesday 27th March.
And the winner is ..... Deborah Jaouen (Collage Whirl)