I find artists journals about their day to day trials and triumphs very inspiring. I've been reading a self taught artist's blog for several years now and though there are times when I worry about Paula's struggles I am more often than not, spurred into action by her sheer guts and determination. You have to take your hat off to Paula ....... A few weeks ago she stopped the mayor in the street and asked him to display her art on his walls..... and maybe sell it (with commission of course). That story kept me giggling for the rest of the day.
Here are a few of the many inspiring images that have motivated me into keeping a record of my work day.

My Secrets by Zea. See more on her Tumblr blog, Working Log, here.
My favourite artist at the moment is Sophie Cauvin. Though the next three images may not be old dusty artists journals I like to think that they are.
See more of Sophie Cauvin's work here.