I've been observing the moon with Donna ...... finding my natural creative rhythm ....... and reconnecting with my "creative vision". It has been a wonderful period of experimentation.
"When we allow ourselves to experiment with the moon's timing the stress level is reduced and a sense of being in the flow is elevated." - Donna Drozda.

Between carving totems I have been trying out different ideas on small wood offcuts. Somewhere in the middle of these experiments it occurred to me to create a wooden quilt ..... a slow quilt, inspired by Jude's spirit cloths. Slow, in that I am just going to let it happen when it happens. The little wood samplers will accumulate and when I have enough I will join them somehow. It might just be a matter of glueing them to a board ... or stitching them together like a patchwork quilt ..... I'm playing with ideas and enjoying the dance.
"I really appreciated coming to recognize that there's no place to 'get to' as an artist, as an expressive being, there's simply the dance." - Donna Drozda

I finally managed to locate a copy of Etcetera by Sybella Court and I'm wallowing in the glorious pages. I'm inspired to photograph weathered tools and bits of wood ..... mine ..... and new found treasures.

I was very chuffed to find an old patinaed folk art doll in a junk store.

I've just completed a totem I've called Prayers for our Daughters in response to Soraya's post about the genocide/gendercide in India.