"Work begets ideas, which begets work, which in turn begets more ideas.". - Rice Freeman-Zachery
I know there are definite cycles when it comes to creating art.... a prolific period followed by a fallow period. I've also noticed that if I keep working steadily the ideas will keep flowing which means I keep working and the ideas keep on flowing and .....well, you get my drift :-)
At the moment I'm going through an almost frenzied phase of carving, which is part of the cycle. Autumn and Winter are the most creative seasons for me but come Spring I start slowing down and with the arrival of our harsh South African Summer work usually grinds to a halt for days on end. So I am making hay while the Winter sun shines.....and I'm covered in sawdust from dawn til dusk.

This week I've been revisiting my earlier totems.

Three years ago I started carving a tribe which became the "Tribal People" series for an exhibition in 2007.

Then ..... the "Broken Angel" series.

Browsing through old photos of pieces long gone I'm rekindling and reinventing old ideas; doodling and playing with old sketches and developing them in new directions. The piece I'm working on now is related to these pieces.

"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." - Carl Jung.