To continue the recycling theme I'm hoping you will go over to Susan Valyi's website to see the menagerie of quirky characters she has created from shoe lasts, found wood, bone and metal objects.

Psst (wood and resin construction with shoe lasts)
Guaranteed to put a smile on your face! The titles are so apt too. Look at this one. Traipse. Have you ever seen a more suave traipser than this chap? Except perhaps for Steve Martin in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Traipse (wood and resin construction with shoe lasts)
"I believe the art I create is a reflection of my life's visual memory. Everything I see is banked, analyzed and edited leaving me with something like a personal museum of influences. When I explore a new idea, or sketch, I feel the moment a connection is made and the idea merges with the best of what resides in my memory bank." - Susan Valyi

"My materials and methods serve my work process. Wood suits me. Scavenging suits me. Hard physical labour suits me. My current constructions are joined with resin. I build up shapes like fitting a puzzle together, guided by my sketches. A continuous process of adding then grinding away. The finished pieces are oiled and sometimes white-washed, then polished to a smooth but textured patina which reveals the underlying mosaic of wood."