Are these sheep spectacular or what?! I can't think of a better use for old phones....cords and all! They were created by Jean-Luc Cornec. To see more go to
My first thought when I wake in the morning is, what will I create today? Art is the way I express myself. It creates a mind space where I feel most like Me.
I carve tall, wooden totems which "speak" of ancient tribes living close to nature. Tribes guided by seasonal changes, the fauna and flora and ancient legends which are handed down from one generation to the next. Tribes from an unknown land or lost civilization. Almost African but not quite.
My hope for this blog is for it to be an oasis of all things arty. What inspires me to create and what inspires all artists to do what they do. Favourite artists, books, quotations, internet links, ideas, tips, themes and different types of art, different name it, as long as it is art propelled.